We are so excited to have our first service in the new building on January 7! There will be NO adult or children’s Sunday School that morning. After the service, there will be a POTLUCK. The church will provide meat. We would like each family to bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.

New Building - Phase 2 is nearly complete!
Remaining Items:
Fire suppression pump house siding
Obtain final fire suppression system approval
Install Rulon - acoustic paneling
Finish installing the fans
Finish Bathrooms
Install Crosses –inside and outside
Platform – paint surround area
Lay east entrance tile
Install Doors between existing church and connecting corridor
Install main auditorium/sport court floor (Jan 22nd)
Install Sound Room doors
Install a gate at bottom of the west stairs
Install mezzanine glass rail
Install/transfer sound/video systems (In progress)
Complete new construction cleaning
Move chairs to the new building
Contact Doug Solberg at 406-581-6482 if you are able to help.
Remaining Items:
Fire suppression pump house siding
Obtain final fire suppression system approval
Install Crosses –
Lay east entrance tile
Install main auditorium/sport court floor (Jan 22nd)
Install a gate at bottom of the west stairs
Install mezzanine glass rail
Install/transfer sound/video systems (In progress)
Complete new construction cleaning
Move chairs to the new building
Contact Doug Solberg at 406-581-6482 if you are able to help.
Posted in News